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Custom-Tailored Breast Lift

At Athēnix, we collaborate closely with our patients to understand their unique vision, delivering beautifully contoured, natural-looking breasts that harmonize with their overall physique. Recognizing the individuality of each patient, we tailor every breast lift procedure in Portland, OR to match their distinct body shape. Our board-certified plastic surgeons are skilled in lifting and elevating the nipples, areolas, and breast tissue to restore a youthful appearance.

Visiting Athēnix in Portland

17885 NE Evergreen Pkwy, Suite 110
Beaverton, OR 97006

Phone: 971-246-5480


Monday: 9am – 6pm
Tuesday: 9am – 5pm
Wednesday: 9am – 6pm
Thursday: 9am – 6pm
Friday: 9am – 6pm
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed

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What is a Breast Lift?

No matter how initially stunning your breasts may have been, time, life events, and gravitational effects can take their toll. A breast lift, or mastopexy, is designed to raise and firm sagging breasts, returning them to a more youthful position and correcting nipple placement. At Athēnix Portland, our surgeons prioritize minimizing scarring, and the choice of incisions for addressing breast sagging is customized according to each patient's specific breast and nipple condition.

Your Story, Your TransformationBefore & Afters

All clinical Before & After Images represent real Athēnix Patient Results. None of the results have been edited or modified outside of cropping or placement of watermark.

Additional Before & After Imagery is available within each center.


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Is a Breast Lift for You?

Modern women have the advantage of being able to correct the effects of aging, pregnancy, weight fluctuations, and the passage of time on their bodies. If pregnancy, breastfeeding, weight changes, or the natural aging process have left you with less-than-ideal curves, there are cosmetic procedures available to help you reclaim that youthful and fresh profile. A breast lift in Portland at Athēnix can address various concerns, including:

  • Sagging or pendulous breasts
  • Breast volume loss due to weight fluctuations or breastfeeding
  • Breasts appearing deflated or flat
  • Upper breast fullness loss
  • Decreased firmness
  • Unappealing cleavage
  • Breast drooping due to reduced skin elasticity
  • Nipples pointing downwards
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The Benefits of a Breast Lift

  • Breasts with improved projection
  • Enhanced cleavage
  • Youthful nipple placement
  • Balanced breast-to-buttocks proportion
  • Firmer, uplifted breasts
  • The freedom to go braless, wear plunging necklines or bikini tops
  • Enhanced self-confidence and overall well-being

Choosing Your Lift

A breast lift procedure involves the removal of excess skin, resulting in a tighter and more elevated breast appearance. While a breast lift doesn't change breast size, it can be combined with breast augmentation to restore volume or increase size. Your Athēnix plastic surgeon will evaluate your needs to achieve an attractive and balanced outcome.

Anchor lift

The anchor breast lift technique utilizes incisions encircling the areola, extending vertically down the breast and horizontally along the breast crease to achieve a comprehensive lift.

Crescent lift

The crescent breast lift entails a surgical method with a crescent-shaped incision around the upper border of the areola, primarily focusing on elevating and reshaping the breast for a more subtle lift.

Circumareolar lift

The circumareolar lift approach uses an incision encircling the perimeter of the areola to reshape and elevate the breasts, often recommended for minor lifting and contouring.

Combining a Breast Lift With Other Treatments

Athēnix presents the chance for a complete rejuvenation by integrating a breast lift with complementary procedures. For example, women encountering sagging in both the breast and abdominal regions may discover the advantages of a mommy makeover, which encompasses a breast lift and tummy tuck. Furthermore, the fusion of breast augmentation with a lift can produce more substantial and lifted breasts, yielding a striking transformation.

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Why Choose Athēnix?

Athēnix is distinguished by a team of expert board-certified plastic surgeons who excel in crafting natural-looking breasts and offering a wide range of aesthetic enhancements, both surgical and non-surgical, for the face and body. Our expansive network spans California, Oregon, Washington, and Arizona, solidifying our status as a reputable name in the Western U.S. for delivering life-altering transformations and exceptional patient experiences, drawing clients from across the nation and worldwide.

Our Portland Expert

  • Dr. Zach Barnes | Board-Eligible Surgeon

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Your Recovery Process

Immediate Post-Op & Day Of

Following your breast lift surgery, our dedicated medical professionals will closely monitor you in a recovery area. It's common to experience pain and discomfort, for which you'll receive appropriate pain management medication. Your breasts will be carefully bandaged and placed in a surgical bra to provide crucial support.

Following Days

Resting and refraining from strenuous activities are crucial in the days immediately after surgery. While some discomfort may persist, it should gradually diminish over time.

One Week

Around one week post-surgery, you'll revisit Athēnix for a follow-up appointment. During this visit, your surgeon will remove the bandages, evaluate your healing progress, and determine whether you still require a surgical bra for added support.

Two Weeks

Approximately two weeks after the procedure, you can resume work and engage in light activities. It's essential, however, to continue avoiding heavy lifting and strenuous exercise during this period to promote proper healing.

Six Weeks

You can return to your normal activities at six weeks, including exercise. By this time, your breasts will have undergone significant healing, and any scars will start to fade.

Three Months

Around the three-month milestone, you'll have another follow-up appointment with your Athēnix surgeon. During this visit, you can expect to see further fading of scars, and your breasts will have settled into their new position.

Six Months

By the six-month post-surgery mark, your breasts will have fully healed, and any remaining scars will continue to fade. This is when you can anticipate witnessing the final results of your breast lift surgery.

Perky Results

Many women desire to restore the high, firm, and perky breasts they once had, whether due to pregnancy, breastfeeding, the natural aging process, or genetic factors. While time cannot be reversed, the results of a breast lift can work wonders for your overall appearance and well-being. This transformation can enhance your clothing fit, boost confidence, and improve your overall figure.

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Breast Lift FAQ

How do I choose between a breast augmentation or a breast lift?

Can exercise improve the appearance of sagging breasts?

What are the risks?

Will breast lift surgery result in visible scars?

Can I breastfeed after a breast lift?

What is the minimum age requirement for a breast lift?

How do I choose between a breast augmentation or a breast lift?

If you desire a more substantial effect than a breast lift alone can provide, a breast augmentation, often combined with a breast lift, can give you fuller, firmer, and higher breasts. Alternatively, if you are content with your breast volume and seek to restore and lift them to their previous position, a breast lift may be the sole procedure you need.

Can exercise improve the appearance of sagging breasts?

Regular exercise and proper self-care are essential to delay the effects of time and gravity on your body. However, the consequences of life events, aging, and gravity on the breasts can only be corrected with a breast lift procedure, either with or without saline or silicone gel implants for breast augmentation.

What are the risks?

Potential breast lift risks include scarring, infection, anesthesia complications, changes in nipple sensation, asymmetry, and delayed healing. Feel free to discuss any concerns about these risks with your surgeon before the procedure.

Will breast lift surgery result in visible scars?

Every surgical procedure produces some level of scarring. Nonetheless, our experienced plastic surgeons employ techniques to minimize scarring and make them as inconspicuous as possible. Over time, scars tend to fade and become less noticeable.

Can I breastfeed after a breast lift?

Breast lift surgery typically doesn't hinder your ability to breastfeed. Discuss your breastfeeding intentions with your surgeon during your consultation to ensure the procedure minimally impacts your future breastfeeding capability.

What is the minimum age requirement for a breast lift?

No specific age limit exists for a breast lift. Suitability is determined by your health and aesthetic objectives rather than your age. Surgeons evaluate your candidacy during consultations.

Regain Your Youthful Curves with Athēnix.

If your breasts have started to sag, you can restore their youthful, perky shape with a breast lift in Portland, OR at Athēnix. This procedure enhances your breast profile, renews your self-confidence, and harmonizes your figure. Take the first step towards a more appealing bustline by scheduling a complimentary consultation with one of our board-certified plastic surgeons.

Contact our Portland office at 888-276-1535 to book your consultation today.

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Unlock your inner beauty and confidence today. Schedule your consultation with our team of surgical experts and experience our AAAHC Certified Surgical Centers and real patient transformations for yourself.

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Accessibility: If you are vision-impaired or have some other impairment covered by the Americans with Disabilities Act or a similar law, and you wish to discuss potential accommodations related to using this website, please contact our Accessibility Manager at (888) 276-1535. ©2024 Athēnix | A Northwest Surgical Development Company, Inc. The content/images on this website are not a guarantee of individual results. Individual results may vary. The information provided on this site is for general informational purposes only, and does not replace the need for a formal consultation.

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