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Liposuction FAQ

What kind of results can I expect?

Is this safe?

What are the potential risks of these treatments?

Is it painful?

What makes Athēnix different than other liposuction centers or Plastic Surgeons?

How many treatments will I need?

When will I meet with my doctor?

How long does the procedure take?

How long until I see results?

What kind of results can I expect?

During your consultation, your Patient Care Consultant or surgeon will discuss the types of results we believe we can achieve for you. They will assess the body areas that are concerning to you and discuss the potential treatment options. You will also be able to view before and after photos of other patients with similar body types to see the results that are possible.

Is this safe?

Yes, our procedures are very safe but any surgery involves general risks. Our minimally invasive approach to body contouring ensures both a safer and more effective procedure. As a patient at Athēnix, you can rest assured that our physicians and medical team see your safety as their primary responsibility. It starts with having a cosmetic or plastic surgeon delivering your care throughout the process. Every one of our doctors is a highly trained body contouring specialist.

What are the potential risks of these treatments?

With any type of cosmetic surgery, some general risks and complications may arise. These may include infection, a reaction to the anesthesia, blood clotting, and fluid loss. Potential side effects can include temporary bruising, swelling, scarring and numbing of the skin. A comprehensive review of risks is explained and discussed during your pre-operative visit.

Is it painful?

Patients generally report very little to no discomfort during the procedure. Some patients report feeling mild aches and pains similar to those experienced after a strenuous workout. An over-the-counter pain reliever or prescription medication can be taken following your procedure if any discomfort is present, as directed by your Athēnix physician.

What makes Athēnix different than other liposuction centers or Plastic Surgeons?

At Athēnix we specialize in body contouring. We can truly sculpt your body by removing unwanted fat from problem areas and adding contours through Natural Fat Transfer to accentuate other areas. Our surgeons specialize in body contouring and use the most advanced technologies.

How many treatments will I need?

Typically, patients need only one treatment. This is an advancement from traditional liposuction, which often requires follow-up procedures.

When will I meet with my doctor?

During your initial consultation you will first meet with our medically trained Patient Care Consultant who will discuss your goals and treatment options. Assuming you are a good candidate for the procedure, your physician will meet with you to assess the body areas and develop a detailed treatment plan for you. This may occur during the same visit.

How long does the procedure take?

Each patient and procedure is different. The amount of time the procedure takes depends on how many areas are being treated, the type of treatment and how much fat is being removed. During your initial consultation, your doctor can give you a more accurate time frame for surgery.

How long until I see results?

In most cases, results can be seen as soon as the next day. Because our procedures are minimally invasive, our patients experience less swelling and bruising, and can see their new body sooner. Our patients continue to see daily improvement in their body shape with full results realized over several months.

Tummy Tuck FAQ

What is a Tummy Tuck?

Who is a candidate for a tummy tuck?

Are there different types of tummy tucks?

Where will my incision be?

What can I expect?

Will a tummy tuck get rid of stretch marks?

What is the downtime?

What kind of results can I expect?

How long will my results last?

What is a Tummy Tuck?

A tummy tuck is a surgical procedure to remove loose or hanging skin on the abdomen and may also tighten or repair the abdominal muscle wall if any separation has occurred after child birth. A tummy tuck is commonly performed in conjunction with Liposuction to remove any stubborn fat from the abdomen to give you improved contours of the mid section. Many women have a hard time achieving a flat stomach and especially after pregnancy; however, a tummy tuck is not only for women who have had children. Tummy Tucks are common procedures for both men and women whose skin my hang or droop on the abdomen. Skin’s elasticity changes with age and over time skin may not bounce back like it used to. Significant weight changes may also impact your body and cause a loose pouch of skin remaining on the abdomen after weight loss. Schedule a consultation today to see if a tummy tuck can help you get your desired results.

Who is a candidate for a tummy tuck?

A tummy tuck may be needed for a variety of reasons; some of which include excessive weight loss, loss of skin’s elasticity after pregnancy, aging, or heredity. Candidates for a tummy tuck should be in an overall good health condition and have realistic expectations. During your consultation, we will evaluate your abdomen, talk about the results you are looking to achieve and collectively come up with a procedure that custom fits your needs and desired outcome.

Are there different types of tummy tucks?

Yes, there are several different types of tummy tucks ranging from a minimally invasive avelar or mini tuck to a complete abdominoplasty with repair to the abdominal muscle wall. Depending on your skin’s elasticity and desired outcome, you and your physician will discuss the best treatment plan for you.

Where will my incision be?

Your physician will discuss your incision placement based on which type of tuck will provide you the greatest results. Typically, incisions are placed on the lower abdomen between the hips and under the bikini line. You should be able to wear bikinis or low rise bottoms without worry and have a tighter, firmer tummy. Incisions may vary in length depending on the results you are trying to achieve as well as what type of tuck the doctor finds most appropriate for your goals.

What can I expect?

Your tummy tuck will be performed with general anesthesia or IV sedation depending on what type of tuck you and your physician have decided on. You may request general anesthesia in either circumstance, however you may not need it if you are having an avelar tuck or a mini tuck. Your procedure will take place in our state-of-the-art ambulatory surgical facility located on site at Athēnix. Recovery time typically takes at least a week or two and you will have regular follow-up visits to make sure you are healing properly. Swelling, soreness and numbness of the skin may linger for several weeks but your doctor will give you specific instructions to follow regarding post-op care and medications to reduce pain and the risk of infection. Overall, you can expect to have a tighter firm tummy without that excess pouch of skin you once had.

Will a tummy tuck get rid of stretch marks?

A tummy tuck does not directly get rid of stretch marks; however, stretch marks are commonly in the same area as the loose skin and may be removed along with the excess skin during your procedure. There are a variety of different tummy tucks which vary in the amount of loose skin that is removed. If the stretch marks are on the lower portion of the tummy and below the belly button, then yes the majority of those stretch marks will be removed with your tummy tuck. To get all of your questions answered, schedule a consultation today to see whether a tummy tuck is right for you.

What is the downtime?

The recovery period for a tummy tuck is generally a couple of weeks, however it differs from person to person depending on your procedure and what your specific treatment entails. You may be asked to avoid heavy lifting or stretching for several weeks while your body heals, and it is normal for soreness and numbness to remain for a prolonged period. Proper care of your incisions is a must and regular follow-up visits will be required for bandage changes in addition to having your stitches removed. During your follow-up exams, you will have a chance to speak with our medical staff and ask any questions you may have about your healing process. We will accompany you and be readily available throughout your recovery to ensure you get the best results possible.

What kind of results can I expect?

After your tummy tuck, you can expect to have a flatter, tighter tummy. You may see a visible scar for several months following your tuck; however that will fade over time. Our medical staff may also give you recommendations of topical creams to lessen the appearance of any scars. You will have a smaller waistline and not have to worry about wearing clothing to cover up that loose pouch of skin that you once had. Your loose skin will be removed, leaving you feeling thinner and more youthful.

How long will my results last?

The results of your tummy tuck are long term. You can expect to retain your tighter, thinner mid section indefinitely; however, we encourage you to maintain your weight and keep a healthy lifestyle to ensure you maintain the best results possible. Schedule a free consultation with one of our medical professionals.

Buttock Enhancement FAQ

What is a Buttock Enhancement?

Is this safe?

What are the risks?

What is the downtime?

What is a Buttock Enhancement?

A Buttock Enhancement, also known as a Brazilian butt lift, starts with Liposuction. Your surgeon will use the Liposuction systems to gently remove excess fatty tissue from your selected areas and then use that to enhance the size and dimension of your buttocks. Once the fat cells are removed from your problem areas, they are separated from any other fluids and cleaned. They are inserted back into the buttocks with the highest concentration of stem cells using a small syringe.

This procedure is done under a general anesthetic in our state-of-the-art ambulatory surgical facility located on site at Athēnix. This procedure leaves the buttocks virtually scar free. There is no foreign substance or implant used which makes this procedure safer with less risk and less downtime than traditional surgeries and still gives you the enhanced curves you’ve always wanted.

Is this safe?

Yes. The Buttock Enhancement, or Brazilian Butt Lift, with fat transfer is extremely safe and effective. It is less invasive and less traumatic than traditional liposuction or foreign implants in the buttocks. At Athēnix, we believe in a less-invasive, less traumatic approach where patients have minimal downtime and minimal pain. This is more important than the speed of the procedure.

What are the risks?

With any type of cosmetic surgery, complications may arise that you should be aware of. Although uncommon, risks may include infection, a reaction to medications, blood clotting, or fluid accumulation. Potential side effects can include temporary soreness, bruising, swelling, numbness of the skin, and burning of the incision sites. Your doctor will give you specific instructions to follow regarding post-op care and medications to reduce pain and the risk of infection. First, you should schedule a consultation to discuss your concerns and make sure that you are healthy enough to undergo a cosmetic procedure. During that time, we will be able to answer all of your questions and ensure that you are a good candidate for a Brazilian butt lift.

What is the downtime?

The recovery period for a Buttock Enhancement/Brazilian butt lift differs from person to person. Just as the procedure is custom tailored to work on your specific areas of concern, the recovery time is as well. Everyone handles recovery differently; however you should plan at least a week before returning to normal activities. Regular follow-up visits will be required to make sure you are healing properly and getting the best results. Contact us today.

Non-Surgical Solutions FAQ

What kind of non-surgical options do you have?

Are these results long lasting?

How many treatments will I need?

Is there any downtime?

What kind of results can I achieve?

How do I know if I am a good candidate?

What kind of non-surgical options do you have?

At Athēnix, our non-surgical treatment, known as VelaShape™, is the first and only safe, effective, and virtually painless treatment for body reshaping and cellulite. This treatment uses infrared light, radio frequencies, heat and mechanical massage to break apart and shrink fat cells. This produces a tighter, smoother look and rids the appearance of cellulite in your most troublesome areas.

Are these results long lasting?

VelaShape™ results are not considered a lifetime solution; however, you may maintain results for a prolonged period of time with proper diet, exercise, and maintenance treatments periodically.

How many treatments will I need?

You may begin to see results from your VelShape™ treatments in as little as one to two sessions; however, for the most optimal results you may need anywhere from six to eight sessions. We recommend scheduling these treatments 5 to 10 days in between or approximately once a week.

Is there any downtime?

There is no downtime with VelaShape™, however mild redness is normal and you may experience residual heat in the area treated for a few hours following your session. The VelaShape™ treatment has been associated to the feel of a deep tissue massage with heat, so you can anticipate pressure and kneading of the skin during your session. Minimal bruising is normal, however not common.

What kind of results can I achieve?

After a full series of treatments, you can expect a reduction in the appearance of cellulite as well as a modest circumferential reduction in the area being treated. Studies have shown a loss of up to one inch of the treated area after a full series of treatments. Your skin will be smoother and tighter without those troublesome areas of cellulite.

How do I know if I am a good candidate?

Candidates for VelaShape™ may have troublesome areas of cellulite that simply won’t fade with proper diet or exercise. They may or may not be concerned with the size of the area but mainly looking to smooth out the skin on the thighs or buttocks. To learn more about this treatment, its contraindications and whether it is right for you, call us today!

Breast Augmentation FAQ

What is the difference between saline and silicone implants?

How long will my implants last?

Are Breast Implants Safe?

What are the risks?

What is the downtime?

What kinds of results can I expect?

How will this effect breast feeding in the future?

Are there various size and shape options?

Where will my incisions be?

Will my implants be placed above or below the muscle?

What can I expect during my recovery?

What is the difference between saline and silicone implants?

Saline implants are comprised of a pure saline solution, or salt water, which is found naturally within the body. Silicone implants consist of a gelatin substance and are commonly described as having a “Gummy Bear” consistency. Silicone implants are typically lighter, more natural looking and are less likely to produce a rippling of the skin. They also have no risk of rupture and cannot contaminate the body with silicone since the implant is a cohesive gel, not liquid. Silicone implants are only available to women 22 years of age or older, and saline for women 18 years or older. Silicone implants are rapidly increasing in popularity and most women today choose silicone over saline – although both types of implants can achieve a natural look and feel.

How long will my implants last?

There is a common misconception that breast implants need to be replaced every 10 years. This is not the case as there is no rule as to when breast implants need to be replaced, if at all. However, breast implants are not guaranteed to last a lifetime. They do wear out over time and studies have shown that the failure rate can be approximately 1% per year. So, in 10 years there is a 10% likelihood of the implant rupturing and requiring replacement. If your implants are intact and you are happy with them, then there is no need for replacement.

Are Breast Implants Safe?

Yes, breast implants are very safe and have only become much safer in recent years due to large advancements in technology and medical testing. Although complications are unlikely, the most common problems occur as a result of anesthesia, medication, or blood clotting. To discuss your concerns and decide whether a breast augmentation is right for you, you should schedule a consultation to meet with a physician. Call or email us today.

What are the risks?

Breast Augmentation with saline implants may pose a risk of rupture and you may need to have them replaced if a rupture occurs. The possibility of scar tissue build up around the implant is also a factor to take into consideration when looking into a breast augmentation, however it is rather uncommon. During the healing process, it is normal for the body to produce a capsule scar around the implant, although if the scar tissue hardens and puts pressure on the implant causing a change in shape or discomfort, you may need to replace the implant. As with any cosmetic procedure, you will need to evaluate the risks associated with having surgery and how it may affect your current health condition. To discuss your concerns and decide whether a breast augmentation is right for you, you should schedule a consultation to meet with a physician.

What is the downtime?

Downtime after a breast augmentation is different for everyone. In general, you may need to take a week off to allow your body to heal and for any soreness to subside. You may be asked to avoid heavy lifting for several weeks while your body heals. Typically, most patients are back to normal activity within a week, although soreness and numbness may linger. Also, proper care of your incisions is a must. During your follow-up exams, you will have a chance to speak with our medical staff and ask any questions about your healing process. We will accompany you and be readily available throughout your recovery to ensure you get the best results possible.

What kinds of results can I expect?

During your consultation, your surgeon will discuss the types of results we believe we can achieve for you. At this time, you will also be able to view before and after photos of other patients with similar body types and their outcomes. Your breast augmentation procedure will help you gain a fuller cup size and the enhanced curves that you desire.

How will this effect breast feeding in the future?

Most women are able to breastfeed without any complications due to their implants. In some rare cases, implants may cause a challenge, however your surgeon can discuss alternate placement options to lessen the chances of future complications. Implants should not interfere with the connections from the breast glands to the ducts leading to the nipple and therefore should have no impact on breast feeding in the future. During your consultation, you can discuss all of your concerns with your surgeon to make sure that this is right treatment plan for you and your lifestyle.

Are there various size and shape options?

During your consultation, your medical professional will evaluate your body shape and size to help you decide which implants may be the safest and most proportionate to your body. A high profile implant will look more ‘round’ and give you added volume to the top portion of the breasts, whereas a low profile or ‘tear drop’ shaped implant will look more subtle and natural. There are a number of sizes and dimensions to ensure you gain the look that you feel most confident about. We will discuss all of these options with you and work together to come up with a decision most appropriate for you and your goals.

Where will my incisions be?

Your surgeon will discuss your incision placement based on the size and dimension of your implants. The incisions may vary depending on the results you are trying to achieve as well as what type of implant is chosen. Typically, they are placed along the areola border or the infra-mammary fold.

Will my implants be placed above or below the muscle?

During your consultation, your surgeon will discuss the placement of your implant and suggest the safest method for your body and your lifestyle. Typically, implants are put below the muscle for both safety and longevity of the implant.

What can I expect during my recovery?

During your recovery, we do not recommend carrying or lifting any heavy objects for several weeks. You can also expect a limitation in your range of movement; however our medical staff will discuss all precautions with you in detail before your procedure. You will need to take proper care of your incisions to ensure that an infection does not set in and wear heavy support while your breast tissue is healing. Soreness and numbness of the areola may linger for several weeks; however, you should be back to regular activities within a week or two. Once your breasts have healed, you may be instructed to perform routine exercises to ensure your implants are sitting in the breast pockets properly and freely. If you have any questions during your recovery, our medical staff will be readily available to help.

Breast Lift FAQ

Am I a candidate for a breast lift?

How do I know if a breast lift is right for me?

What are the risks?

How long is the recovery period?

What kind of results can I expect?

Where will my incisions be?

How long will my results last?

Am I a candidate for a breast lift?

If you would like to enhance your breast appearance, fullness or firmness, then a breast lift may be a great choice. A few reasons why women may need a breast lift may be pregnancy and breastfeeding, significant weight change, age, or a loss of skin’s elasticity. A great start to evaluate whether you are a good candidate for a breast lift is by having a consultation with your doctor.

How do I know if a breast lift is right for me?

In general, patients in need of a breast lift may have a loss in volume and experience their breasts sagging or feeling droopy. A breast lift may be necessary to correct long pendulous breasts, or if the nipple is downward pointing or lower than the breast crease when unsupported. The starting point is to schedule a free consultation so we can understand your specific concerns and goals, then evaluate your anatomy to give you realistic expectations as to the results we can achieve for you.

What are the risks?

With any type of cosmetic surgery, complications may arise that you should be aware of. Although uncommon, risks may include infection, a reaction to the anesthesia, blood clotting, or fluid accumulation. Potential side effects can include temporary soreness, bruising, swelling, and numbness of the skin and areola. During your consultation, we will address all aspects of your procedure so you know just what to expect the day of.

How long is the recovery period?

The recovery period for a breast lift is generally a couple of weeks. You will need to wear a supportive bra and care for your incisions properly during the healing process. You may experience intense soreness for the few days following your procedure and may be asked to avoid heavy lifting for several weeks. You will receive after-care instructions that will address any medications you may need to take to help reduce pain or the risk of infection and how to care for your new curves. Follow-up visits will be required for bandage changes in addition to having your stitches removed. Our medical staff will monitor the progress of your healing on a continuous basis to ensure you are getting your best results possible.

What kind of results can I expect?

A breast lift will leave you with firmer, perkier, rejuvenated breasts. You may see a visible scar for several months following your breast lift; however that will fade over time. Our medical staff may also give you recommendations of topical creams to lessen the appearance of any scars. At Athēnix, we can greatly enhance a woman’s femininity through a wide variety of breast enhancement procedures which are uniquely customized to a woman’s specific body shape.

Where will my incisions be?

Your surgeon will discuss in detail your incision placement based on which type of lift that will provide you the greatest results. The incisions may vary depending on the results you are trying to achieve as well as what type of lift the doctor finds most appropriate for your goals. Most often, your breast lift incision will be around the border of the areola; and depending on which type of lift is best suited for you, you may have a vertical scar from your areola down to the infra-mammary fold and under the crease of the breast.

How long will my results last?

The results of your breast lift are long term. You can expect to retain your firmer, rejuvenated breasts years down the road; however, we encourage you to maintain your weight and keep a healthy lifestyle to ensure you maintain the best results possible. Outside factors that could have an impact on your results years later are simply age, gravity and significant weight fluctuation.

Breast Reduction FAQ

What is a Breast Reduction?

Am I a good candidate for a breast reduction?

What can I expect?

Will I have any incisions or scars?

What is a Breast Reduction?

It is a common procedure to decrease the size of the breast tissue for women who may struggle with excessively large breasts.

Am I a good candidate for a breast reduction?

There are several reasons why a woman may want a breast reduction. Some of these reasons may include physical limitations due to overly large breasts, back or neck pain caused from the weight of your breasts, and long hanging breasts. If you would like to enhance your breast appearance and reduce the overall size of your breasts, a breast reduction may be a great choice. A great start to evaluate whether you are a good candidate for a breast reduction is by having a consultation with your doctor. Call or email us today to schedule your complimentary consultation.

What can I expect?

A breast lift procedure takes a few hours in length and is performed under a general anesthesia in our state-of-the-art ambulatory surgical facility located on site at Athēnix. Recovery time typically takes about a week and you will need to wear a supportive bra and care for your incisions properly during the healing process. Regular follow-up visits will be required to make sure you are healing properly and getting the best results. Swelling, soreness and numbness of the skin and areolas may linger for several weeks, although you should be back to your regular activities within 10 days or so. Your doctor will give you specific instructions to follow regarding post-op care and medications to reduce pain and the risk of infection. Overall, you can expect smaller, perkier breasts that feel lighter on your frame and give you just the proportions you want.

Will I have any incisions or scars?

The incision placements for your breast reduction are typically placed around the border of the areola with a vertical line from the areola to the infra-mammary fold and under the crease of the breasts. A common name for this incision placement is an “anchor” and has a similar shape of just that. Your surgeon will discuss your incision placement based on what will provide you the greatest results. The incision placement and size may vary depending on the results you are trying to achieve. There are various options, however it remains dependant on how much breast tissue needs to be removed for your ideal shape and size.

Breast Revision FAQ

What is a breast revision?

Am I a good candidate for a breast revision?

What can I expect?

What are the risks?

What is a breast revision?

A breast revision surgery is typically performed to correct imperfections from a previous breast surgery, or to replace old implants. A breast revision may be implant-related or caused by natural changes in the breasts due to pregnancy, significant weight changes or other health concerns.

Am I a good candidate for a breast revision?

A breast revision may be needed for various reasons. Some of those may include a shift of implant, tightening of scar tissue around an implant, a ruptured or leaking implant, wanting to change the implant size, dissatisfaction with original breast implant surgery, a change of shape due to excessive weight fluctuation, or childbirth and breastfeeding. If you have questions about whether you may need a breast revision, call us to schedule a consultation to discuss with our medical professionals. We will work alongside you to understand your concerns and achieve your ideal proportions.

What can I expect?

A breast revision procedure takes a few hours in length and is performed under a general anesthesia in our state-of-the-art ambulatory surgical facility located on site at Athēnix. Recovery time typically takes about a week and you will need to wear a supportive bra and care for your incisions properly during the healing process. Regular follow-up visits will be required to make sure you are healing properly and getting the best results.

Swelling, soreness and numbness of the skin and areolas may linger for several weeks, although you should be back to your regular activities within 10 days or so. Your doctor will give you specific instructions to follow regarding post-op care and medications to reduce pain and the risk of infection. Overall, you can expect smaller, perkier breasts that feel lighter on your frame and give you just the proportions you want.

What are the risks?

With any type of cosmetic surgery, complications may arise that you should be aware of. Although uncommon, risks may include infection, a reaction to the anesthesia, blood clotting, or fluid accumulation. Potential side effects can include temporary soreness, bruising, swelling, and numbness of the skin and areola. During your consultation, we will address all aspects of your procedure so you know just what to expect the day of.

Natural Breast Augmentation FAQ

What is Natural Breast Augmentation?

What is the difference between a Natural Breast Augmentation and traditional breast augmentation?

What kind of results can I expect?

How long will my results last?

Is this safe?

Will I have to go under general anesthesia?

Will I have any incisions or scars?

How will this affect breast feeding?

How will this affect future mammograms?

What is Natural Breast Augmentation?

A Natural Breast Augmentation starts with Liposuction. Your surgeon will use the Liposuction to remove excess fatty tissue from your selected areas and then use that to enhance the size of your breasts. Once the fat cells are removed from your problem areas, they are separated from any other fluids and cleaned. They are inserted back into the breasts with the highest concentration of stem cells using small syringes. This procedure leaves the breasts virtually ‘untouched’ and scar free. Getting rid of your problems areas and enhancing others has never felt so easy.

What is the difference between a Natural Breast Augmentation and traditional breast augmentation?

Because your own body’s fat cells are used in this procedure, there is less chance of infection, no risk of an implant rupture and no scarring. You will achieve a softer, smoother and more natural-looking appearance, with less risk. In addition, you are getting rid of problematic areas at the same time so you don’t have to struggle with aggressive diets and seemingly endless workouts. On the other hand, there are limitations to your increased breast size and how much more volume you can achieve versus an implant. With a natural breast augmentation, you can expect to achieve a half size to a full cup size whereas you can gain multiple sizes with a traditional implant.

What kind of results can I expect?

With a natural breast augmentation, you can safely increase your size by half a cup to a full cup. You will have fuller, natural looking breasts, as well as slimmer stubborn areas that are hard to get rid of even with proper diet and exercise. Recovery time typically takes about a week and you will need to wear a compression garment for the areas that were contoured using Liposuction. Regular follow-up visits will be required to make sure you are healing properly and getting the best results.

Swelling, soreness and numbness of the skin may linger for several weeks, although you should be back to your regular activities within 10 days or so. You will be asked to limit endurance-type of activities as well as smoking for several weeks to increase the stem cell take rate to your breasts. Your doctor will give you specific instructions to follow regarding post-op care and medications to reduce pain and the risk of infection. Overall, you can expect fuller breasts and reduced volume in your most problematic areas to give you just the look you’ve always wanted.

How long will my results last?

Natural Breast Augmentation is not considered a lifetime solution; however, certain factors may influence the longevity of your fat transfer both positively and negatively. These factors may include smoking, endurance sports, proper diet and exercise, and maintaining a healthy weight. You will indefinitely keep your increase in breast size however the results may be much more subtle than those of implants. In addition, your areas that have been contoured using Liposuction systems are considered long term. With any weight fluctuations, you may still keep your enhanced curves in proportion to your size. You will not have the same stubborn areas again, although we recommend maintaining a healthy diet and exercise regimen to keep your best results.

To better understand whether a natural breast augmentation is right for you, schedule a free consultation with one of our medical professionals.

Is this safe?

Yes. A natural breast augmentation is less invasive and less traumatic than traditional liposuction or a breast augmentation and doesn’t require patients to undergo general anesthesia. At Athēnix, we believe a less-invasive, less traumatic approach where patients have minimal downtime and minimal pain is more important than the speed of the procedure.

Will I have to go under general anesthesia?

The anesthesia type will be discussed with the surgeon.

Will I have any incisions or scars?

A natural breast augmentation leaves the breasts virtually scar-free. Fat cells are injected into the breast tissue using a small syringe, so no actual incision is made and the breasts remain unmarked. The other aspect of this procedure, Liposuction, uses very small instruments that only require tiny incisions in the skin, about the size of a grain of rice. Due to the small size of the incision, our patients typically do not require stitches. The tiny incisions are placed as inconspicuously as possible and usually do not produce any visible scarring in the long run.

How will this affect breast feeding?

Most women are able to breast feed without any complications due to their natural breast augmentation. There is no evidence that a fat transfer would interfere with the connections from the breast glands to the ducts leading to the nipple and therefore should have no impact on breast feeding in the future. During your consultation, you can discuss all of your concerns with your surgeon to make sure that this is right treatment plan for you and your lifestyle.

How will this affect future mammograms?

A natural breast augmentation does not negatively impact mammogram results; however in rare circumstances imaging devices may show the change in breast tissue or fat deposits. Trained radiologists along with new advancements in imaging devices are able to decipher benign changes in breast tissue due to surgery versus a cancer. Regular follow-ups with your doctor are advised and we encourage routine mammograms as a part of healthy aging.

Mommy Makeover FAQ

What is a Mommy Makeover?

What can I expect?

What are the risks?

What is the downtime?

What type of results can I expect?

What is a Mommy Makeover?

A mommy makeover combines multiple procedures to restore your pre-pregnancy body. Those procedures commonly include a tummy tuck, breast augmentation and liposuction. A mommy makeover is specific to meet your needs: it only includes what you want and focuses on the areas that are most bothersome to you.

What can I expect?

A mommy makeover procedure takes a few hours in length and is performed under a general anesthesia in our state-of-the-art ambulatory surgical facility located on site at Athēnix. Recovery time typically takes about a week or two and you will need to wear a supportive bra and care for your incisions properly during the healing process.

Regular follow-up visits will be required to make sure you are healing properly and getting the best results. Swelling, soreness and numbness of the skin and areolas may linger for several weeks. You will have to use precaution if you have a tummy tuck incision and your range of movement may be lessened for a short period of time while your incision heals. Your doctor will give you specific instructions to follow regarding post-op care and medications to reduce pain and the risk of infection.

During your initial consultation, our medical staff will work alongside you to develop a custom tailored makeover to best suit your needs. They will discuss the types of results we believe we can achieve for you, and at this time you will also be able to view before and after photos of other patients with similar body types and their outcomes. Our staff will help you every step of the way to ensure you get your ideal body back.

What are the risks?

With any type of cosmetic surgery, complications may arise that you should be aware of. Although uncommon, risks may include infection, a reaction to the anesthesia, blood clotting, or fluid accumulation. Potential side effects can include temporary soreness, bruising, swelling, numbness of the skin and areola, and burning of the incision sites. During your consultation, we will address all aspects of your procedure so you know just what to expect the day of. Again, your doctor will give you specific instructions to follow regarding post-op care and medications to reduce pain and the risk of infection.

What is the downtime?

The recovery period for a mommy makeover differs from person to person. Just as the procedure is custom tailored, the recovery time is as well. Everyone handles recovery different; however you should plan at least a week or two before returning to work or normal activities. Regular follow-up visits will be required to make sure you are healing properly and getting the best results.

What type of results can I expect?

Although your mommy makeover is specific to your concerns, you can expect to regain your feminine curves and feel confident in your skin. You can achieve perkier, firmer breasts and get rid of loose skin for good. You may see visible scars for several months following your mommy makeover; however they will fade over time. Our medical staff may also give you recommendations of topical creams to lessen the appearance of any scars.

At Athēnix, we can greatly enhance a woman’s femininity through a wide variety of procedures which are uniquely customized to a woman’s specific body shape. There’s no better time than now to learn how a mommy makeover can help you look and feel your best. Call or email us today to schedule your complimentary consultation.

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