Tuberous Breast Correction
Tuberous breast correction is a combination of surgical procedures that allows women to have a natural-looking, round, symmetrical pair of breasts. A tuberous breast is a deformity that becomes evident during puberty, and cannot be corrected without surgery. If you believe you have tuberous breasts, a consultation can help you become educated and confident in your treatment options. Here are some of the questions our surgeons are often asked about tuberous breast correction.
What are tuberous breasts?
Tuberous breasts – also called tubular breast deformity – have different physical manifestations for different people. In most cases, this involves one or both breasts that are under-developed and asymmetrical. Often tuberous breasts have swelling of the areola. This swollen appearance is because of herniated tissue pushing on the areola and nipple area. Many times, tubular breasts do not have the normal lower curve of the breast. There can also be deficiencies of the breast skin. Tuberous breasts are different in each person, and if you’re unsure if you have tuberous breasts, it’s best to be examined by an expert in breast surgery.
What causes a tubular breast deformity?
It’s believed that tuberous breasts are caused by a congenital defect. This means that something happens, even before you’re born, that causes this breast shape. When a baby is born, it is not clear whether they have tubular breasts. This abnormality only becomes evident during puberty. No one is sure what causes tubular breasts, and the only way to correct the breast shape is through surgery. Tuberous breasts have not been found to be genetic – which means a mother with tuberous breasts is no more likely to have a child with tuberous breasts. This condition has also not been found to affect fertility, although some women with tuberous breasts may have difficulty breast feeding.
Tuberous breasts can be a significant source of low self-esteem for women. It can be difficult to find bras that fit, and many women avoid wearing a bathing suit or changing in front of friends or family. This can cause substantial stress in dating situations, and improvement of the breast shape is a significant relief to many patients.
Is tuberous breast correction the same as breast augmentation?
Tuberous breast correction is not the same as breast augmentation. While correcting tuberous breasts often involves breast implants, there is more to the corrective surgery than a typical breast augmentation. Tuberous breasts are not just small breasts. Instead, they often have constricted tissue that needs to be surgically corrected, as well as herniation to repair. This is why it’s important to see a surgeon that is specifically experienced in tuberous breast correction.
Get more information on our Los Angeles breast augmentation here, or Seattle breast augmentation here. We additionally perform breast augmentation in Orange County, Fresno and Portland.
How is tuberous breast correction performed?
The surgical correction of tuberous breasts is not a simple procedure. This is why it’s important to seek out surgeons who truly understand the cause and ways to correct all the symptoms of this breast deformity. One aspect that needs to be addressed for many women is the lower pole of the breast. Most people with tuberous breasts do not have the traditional curve and fold at the bottom of the breast. This is something we can fix surgically. In addition, if there is herniation or restriction, these must be fixed before an implant can be put in. Placing an implant without addressing the underlying problems can result in further misshapen breasts. Additionally, we work to ensure the areolas are balanced, and the breasts are more symmetric. Each tuberous breast correction is different, because the condition is complex and varied in the way it affects each patient. Our goal is to use a combination of science and artistic vision to create symmetric, natural-looking, round breasts that give you confidence in your body.
What results can I expect from tuberous breast correction?
With modern medical technology and an expert surgeon, the results from tuberous breast correction can be excellent. While each case is different, the majority of patients are very happy with their surgical results. Implants can be used to increase breast size and create symmetry. The constriction of the breast that’s often seen with tubular breasts can be corrected during surgery as well. And since the enlargement of the areola is generally caused by herniation, that can also be repaired by our surgeons. Remember that you will not be able to see the true results of your surgery right away, because breast surgery always involves a healing process where swelling will be present. Within a few weeks you’ll start to see improvement, and within a few months after surgery your new breast shape should be apparent. Patients tell us they find confidence and freedom they’d never had before because they finally feel comfortable with their body shape.
What needs to happen before I have surgery to correct tuberous breasts?
The first step is to come in for a consultation. Our surgeons are well-experienced with working with patients who have tuberous breasts. This condition is different for each person, so we want to do a detailed exam to help us show you what the best treatment option would be, and what results you can realistically expect. At that point, we can schedule your surgery if you are ready to move forward.
What is recovery like, after tuberous breast correction?
For the first few days after tuberous breast correction, you’ll be resting, and will have pain medication to help you through the initial recovery. Most patients find they’re able to move around quite soon and start slowly resuming activities. Generally our patients are off their pain medication within a few days and able to walk around and work at a fairly sedentary job. We’ll ask you to refrain from doing any heavy lifting or strenuous physical activity for the first few weeks while your body is healing. You can expect to have some swelling and lumpiness right after surgery. These are normal and will subside as your breasts recover from the operation. Patients tend to see substantial healing within 2 months of tuberous breast correction surgery.
If you believe you have tuberous breasts and would like to learn about your treatment options, we’d be happy to meet with you.