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What are Some Reasons to Choose Small Breast Implants?

When you think of breast implants, do you picture a woman increasing her bust size by several cup sizes? While a significant increase in breast size is certainly an option, these days there are many women who choose to have smaller breast implants. One reason that small implants are becoming more popular is that women are seeking out a more natural look, and opting for a subtle increase in breast size. Today, there are plenty of patients who request a B or C cup implant size. These smaller breast implants also can be better choices for active women who do not want breasts so large that they may interfere in their comfort during exercise or activity.

In addition, women are requesting breast implants for a multitude of reasons: not just to have larger breasts. For instance, a woman may want to correct asymmetry in the breasts, restore breasts that have a deflated look, or return breasts to their pre-pregnancy shape. In all of these cases, small breast implants may be the right choice. Let’s look at the specifics of small breast implants to understand why these are becoming an increasingly popular choice.

Benefits of Small Breast Implants

Smaller breast implants may have several benefits for patients. While each case is different, among the potential benefits of smaller implants are:

  • Natural look
  • Less trauma to the breast tissue and surrounding tissue which can sustain some level of tearing when large implants are placed
  • Less risk of nerve damage, which can result from implants that are too large
  • Shorter or more comfortable recovery period
  • Less substantial change in appearance
  • Decreased risk of capsular contraction - which is one of the primary risks of breast implant surgery
  • Less likelihood of being seen under the skin, especially in very thin women

Types of Implants for Small Breast Augmentation

If you’re interested in getting small breast implants, or a mini boob job, one consideration will be which type of implant you will want. There are two primary types of implants: saline and silicone.

  1. Saline implants for small breast augmentation. Saline implants have several benefits. First of all, they are inserted when they’re deflated, so we can use the smallest incisions. Your surgeon will fill the implants once they’re in place. This also allows the surgeon a substantial amount of control over exactly what size to make your breasts. Additionally, if your breasts are different sizes - which is very common - saline implants allow us to use slightly different fill amounts to give your augmented breasts a more balanced and symmetric appearance.
  2. Silicone implants for small breast augmentation. Silicone implants are another option if you are hoping for small breast implants. Although silicone implants are pre-filled, there are many sizes to choose from so we can offer you small size increases as well as large size increases. Some women prefer silicone implants because they tend to be the most natural feeling type of implant. A consideration for some women, especially those with lower body fat, is that a saline implant has a higher chance that you will be able to see or feel the ridge of the implant. This is less of a concern with silicone implants, which is another reason that some women prefer them for small breast implants.

Natural Breast Augmentation for Small Size Increase

Natural breast augmentation is a procedure that may be a good option for some women who want small breast implants, but also like the idea of removing fat from another area. During our fat transfer procedure, our surgeon removes fat from an area of the body - like the back or abdomen. We then process your fat so it is ready to be injected. That fat is then used to increase the size of your breasts, and well as improve the shape. This procedure is not a good fit for women who want to increase their breast size by several cups, because it is best for a more subtle increase. Natural breast augmentation also means that we do not need to make incisions to place an implant, and there is no risk of being allergic to the material used since the fat we implant is from your own body. Finally, natural breast augmentation lets you slim down or tone another area of your body, all in the same procedure.

Recovery After Small Breast Implants

After having surgery for small breast implants, your recovery will not be significantly different than someone who has had larger implants placed. However, you may have somewhat of a shorter and more comfortable recovery period since small implants are easier to place in the body, require less stretching, and can result in less trauma to the surrounding tissue. It will be important for you to give yourself several days of rest after your surgery, and a week off of work if you have a sedentary job. For people with a more physical job, more time off work is often needed. We usually ask our breast implant patients to wear support garments during their recovery and to refrain from lifting or strenuous exercise for about 6 weeks.

Are Small Breast Implants Safer?

Today’s breast implants and breast implant surgeries are very safe. In addition, you may have some added benefits of choosing smaller breast implants. There are a few ways that smaller breast implants may be less risky. These include:

  • Potential for less sagging over time, since gravity will have a smaller effect on lighter breast implants vs heavier ones.
  • Less risk for loss of feeling since breast implants that are too large are more likely to result in loss of nipple sensation.
  • Less chance of the skin stretching which may lead to the implant being visible under the skin.
  • Easier time maintaining a physical activity level that you are used to, since larger implants are more likely to interfere with your comfort level during more strenuous activities like jogging, aerobics, or tennis.

If you are interested in learning more about whether small breast implants are a good option for you, please get in touch with us. We are happy to answer all of your questions, and empower you to make the best decision for yourself.

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