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Athēnix supports patients with a range of procedures that improve the contour of their body, including liposuction, mommy makeovers, and tummy tucks.

As patients explore their options, they often ask about the difference between a full tummy tuck and a mini tummy tuck and whether they are a good candidate for one of these surgeries. To answer these questions, here are some similarities and differences between the two.

Similarities of Mini-Tummy Tuck and Full Tummy Tuck

Both procedures focus on creating a more attractive, flatter abdominal area. Patients who choose to have a tummy tuck procedure are targeting loose and saggy skin around their tummy. Often, this is the result of significant weight loss, such as that following a pregnancy or a bariatric surgery. Loose, sagging skin may also be caused by aging or genetics.

A mini-tummy tuck and full tummy tuck each aim to remove fat and extra skin from the abdomen. Their recovery is somewhat similar as well, though the mini-tummy tuck may take less time for full recuperation.

Differences of Mini-Tummy Tuck and Full Tummy Tuck

Strong abdominal muscles help create a taut, flat abdomen. The full tummy tuck procedure addresses loose skin and fat as well as lax abdominal muscles, tightening and supporting them. The mini-tummy tuck typically just focuses on eliminating minimal loose skin and fat.

A full tummy tuck may also be necessary if the loose skin starts above the belly button. In this case, the doctor may need to recreate the naval for the smoothest midsection possible. If the loose skin is minimal and is below the belly button, a patient may only require a mini-tuck.

Another difference: because a surgeon doesn’t need as much “access” in a mini-tummy tuck, the incision is smaller than that of a full tummy tuck: it generally runs no longer than a typical C-section scar. A full tummy tuck will usually go from one hip to the other, though its appearance can be minimized by hiding it below the waistband line of a bikini or underwear.

Our doctors and medical team will evaluate your needs and determine which option will best achieve your goals. At Athēnix, we will walk you through each step of your procedure and customize your surgical plan to make sure you get the best results possible.

Find out more about tummy tuck and mini-tummy tuck surgery. Athēnix offers tummy tuck surgery at our following locations: Bellevue, Fresno, Irvine, Pasadena or Portland.

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